Liverpool over Chelsea
Flyers over Caps
Flames vs. Sharks (hmmm - this is a hard one.) All logic and political sense says go for Calgary - small Canadian city in the middle of god-forsaken nowhere against San Jose (?!?!) But San Jose has some players I really like - Mike Grier, Jonathan Cheechoo (the pride of Moose Factory, Ontario and a religious fanatic to boot), and Devin Setoguchi (pictured above). Plus, the Sharks arena reminds me of some sort of community college field house I probably visited in an alternate universe, and I really like the color blue lately. So I think I'm rooting for San Jose. Maybe.
Flyers over Caps
Flames vs. Sharks (hmmm - this is a hard one.) All logic and political sense says go for Calgary - small Canadian city in the middle of god-forsaken nowhere against San Jose (?!?!) But San Jose has some players I really like - Mike Grier, Jonathan Cheechoo (the pride of Moose Factory, Ontario and a religious fanatic to boot), and Devin Setoguchi (pictured above). Plus, the Sharks arena reminds me of some sort of community college field house I probably visited in an alternate universe, and I really like the color blue lately. So I think I'm rooting for San Jose. Maybe.
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You know, Marlboro Man, I happen to be related to the Ape Canyon Man, and I can tell you that he's just as interesting and pleasant in person. And he can cook.
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