Monday, August 18, 2008

Cedar River - duct tape has many uses

You can use duct tape to try to repair a canoe or at least to keep the fiberglass from cutting open your finger while you're rowing. You can also use duct tape as a bandage after you've cut yourself.

On the left is where we wiped out - the current took us straight into the tree and we flipped over on our side.

After we dragged the boat out of the river, the folks in the background told us we had done better than the last canoe - their boat had gotten stuck up against the tree and they had needed help dragging it out.


Anonymous said...

How's your finger doing? Whatever happened to the canoe?

Andy said...

The finger has basically turned out fine. I haven't heard from my friend Pete about whether the canoe can be saved.

Anonymous said...

The canoe is a bust. We certainly exceeded its capacity with our activity - fully grown men, shallow and wild twisitng river, plenty o rocks and shocks. The owners kindly dismissed any import to their craft and are open to setting it ablaze or making a planter. Perhaps we can rip off the rest of the gunwhales for kindling and make a hat from the cane seats

"Hockey ought to be sternly forbidden, as it is not only annoying but dangerous." Halifax Morning Sun, quoted in Michael McKinley's Hockey - A People's History