Monday, April 12, 2010


I'd just like to give a shout out to Brazil.
It's pretty awesome. You should try it out.

I'd also like to say that we should all just give Texas a chance...

And that there are only like 2 months until the WORLD CUP !
My favs this year: Brazil and the US.

Most people in the world would find the idea of rooting for a team other than your home country appaling. Practically treason.

But also , the large prt of Brazilians would become very... enraged, by people not rooting for Brazil. And green and yellow are better colors for painting the fingernails than red, white, and blue.

Oh, and if you ever get the chance, go learn about major US events in a different country. In addition to getting "John" (as in Wilkes-Booth) spelled like "Jonh," you will also get a completely new perspective... (Note to client: if you actually LIKE the US, or will feel in any way shape or form like definding the US, it's probably a better idea to not take the history class in a different country...)

Okay, that was enough rambling...

By The Way: Did you know that "hand" in Portuguese is "Mao". We could probably make up some sort of physcological or political phrase out of that... Or not.



Andy said...

The management of Ape Canyon News Service takes complete responsibility for the editorial content of this post. The numerous misspellings and other errors, however, are somebody else's fault.

Unknown said...

Brazil speak no english.

Unknown said...

what did i spell wrong,anyway?

Andy said...


"Hockey ought to be sternly forbidden, as it is not only annoying but dangerous." Halifax Morning Sun, quoted in Michael McKinley's Hockey - A People's History