Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Stupidest Transfer Rumor Ever.

Next In Line?
Milan are expected to announce the signing of Manchester City attacker Robinho on Tuesday, adding even more talent to what could shape up to be a very dangerous team in the attacking third. Fellow Brazilian Ronaldinho is already hitting his form for Milan and was named Goal.com World Player of the Week.
Milan 4 - Lecce 0: Milan are in first place! Here are pictures.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
More announcements from AC Milan

MILANELLO – President Silvio Berlusconi arrived at Milanello by helicopter at 19.30 CET, met coach Massimiliano Allegri and his staff. Then he visited the players and informed them about the acqusition of Ibrahimovic. Later on President Berlusconi was called by Adriano Galliano, who then handed over the phone to Ibrahimovic, too, thus the President could talk to the Swedish player personally. After their conversation all the players applauded their new teammate. At 20.20 CET the President left Milanello.A.C. MILAN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE
MILAN – A.C. MILAN announces the acquisition of the player Zlatan Ibrahimovic from F.C. Barcelona, through a free loan with the option to purchase the athlete’s playing rights for € 24 million at the end of the season 2010-2011. The Swedish champion will go through the medical exams tomorrow morning, before signing the contract that will tie him to the Rossonero club for four years.Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
More official announcements from Milan

GALLIANI: ‘We postpone everything until tomorrow’
MILAN – Milan CEO Adriano Galliani’scomments after the meeting held in Barcelona with blaugrana president Sandro Rosell: “We have been chatted and discussed the terms. We know Barcelona’s position and now we’ll consider it. We postpone things until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, after all the transfer window is open until Tuesday. I’ll stay here, I won’t go to Monte Carlo and I think I won’t come to the San Siro for the match on Sunday evening, either. Our position and that of Barcelona is very clear. We’ll go to the bitter ends for Ibrahimovic. I’d say now we have a 50% chance of getting him. In the meantime the eventual alternative would be Robinho I’d like to point out that Borriello will stay at Milan, while as for Huntelaar, we are in negotiations with another team. We’ll see. Now I’ll talk to Ibrahimovic, as I was authorised by president Rosell’.Wednesday, August 25, 2010
One more transfer rumor

8/25/2010 8:23:00 PM
Adriano Galliani has been speaking from Barcelona on the negotiations to bring Zlatan Ibrahimovic to Milan which are ongoing.
MILAN – Speaking to Milan Channel from Barcelona, Adriano Galliani takes stock of the situation on the meeting with Barcelona and the negotiations that are underway for Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
“Negotiations will continue tomorrow. Tomorrow at noon I have an appointment with the president of Barcelona. Let's see. The negotiations are very complex, very difficult, very expensive, but the relationship with Sandro Rosell is really good and he is very nice. The will of Barcelona is to sell the player to Milan, the availability of the player also like that. There is a lot of money to overcome and this is the difficulty.
“But I would point out that there are not any other moves being made by Milan. There is Borriello, there is Huntelaar. I often see in the papers that they are part of the transfer, but there is no truth in that. We are here to try to take Ibrahimovic to Milan, that’s all. There are other hypotheses on the table.
“I will not deceive anyone but I will not even say that we do it for sure. I will try and that’s why I am here, I do not move, even it means not going to Milan against Lecce on Sunday. I do all that is in my ability and capacity to try to bring this great champion to Milan. It is very difficult.
"What effect has made me to see Ibra at the stadium? The effect is as great as always, a great champion who has absolutely given his willingness to come to Milan. Now we must solve the problem.”
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Transfer news: Kevin Prince Boateng is coming to Milan

A.C. MILAN announce that the club has signed Kevin Prince Boateng on loan from Genoa Cfc.Monday, August 16, 2010
Transfer news: Mario Balotelli joins Manchester City

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Brazil's Worst TV
I guess I'll just start off with the worst and get the shock over with. Maybe it's a Brazilian thing, but foreigners will NEVER be able to ajust to Panico... Maybe we just get kind of uncomfortable with the 10 second butt close ups. Or maybe we're just too mature for poop fights. Or maybe we no longer have the sense of humor of a five year old and like to see people hitting each other, making fun of each other, making fun of other people, and eating whatever they can blend together. But to a lot of the Brazilian's that I met, puke is fun! So, after that flattering introduction, I hope it can stand up to the expectations!Give it up for your favorite, 12 year old boy humor style show, PANICO!
I hope you're all as disturbed as the rest of Brazil was when we saw that... But if that wasn't enough, how bought a little beach action with Antonio Nunes?
So yeah... Panico is just... bad.
My next show on Brazil's Worst, will have to be ... our very own... Woody Woodpecker! Otherwise known as the national hero, Pica Pau! It's not really any worse in Portuguese than in English, but it's still... Pica Pau...
Next up is " Vai da Namoro! " The thing about this show, is that I rather enjoy watching it, but even I can admit that it's just a very, very stupid show. It's a dating show that's inherently pretty simple. Pair them up, make them kiss, with little intervals of the presenter dancing in women's clothes.
Then, when you pass the five good channels, you will enter the territory of the truly wretched. This includes, almost exclusively, religious TV, and "rural tv." And I have an example of the latter right here: The "Virtual Auctions" show almost 24/7 and are a great chance to get a view of the local livestock! They can be yours, with just one call! And it is essentially this for ... all the time.
And how about some of that religious tv for ya'? Basic Idea: (Ex): Man is chronically ill, preacher preaches for him, he is cured. Hint on how hokey this is? Not even the Brazilian's believe any of it.
Okay, I think with that I'll leave you for the night, but now without letting you see my personal least favorite, often shown on any give 5/30 of the "working channels" during any given moment:
But don't worry! It's not all THIS bad!
Brazilian Soap Opera Openers!
This Novela, was replacing one from earlier on in the year, called Caminho das Indias (translated by the International Soap Opera awards- or whatever they're called - as " India, a Love Story." But I'd called it "The Indian Way." ). I got to Brazil when this Novela was in it's heyday. And I hated it... being that I couldn't actually understand a single word that they said. But the Indian style music is pretty catchy!
Now we have my personal favorite, a Novela that was actually shown for the second time, Alma Gemea. This one really represented my growth in the Portuguese language, because I started watching her when I first arrived and didn't understand a word, and by the end, I was hanging on every word. This is a "spritualist" novela, so (spoiler alert!) ends with the lovers dying, but being reborn as other couples in the future, and the villain bursting into flames and seeing images of her wrong deeds among the flames. Oh well, all's well that ends well.... And I can sing the whole theme song!
And here is the next Spiritualist Novela... Esctiro nas Estelas (Written in the Stars), which I would watch under NO circumstances... It's like... Dude, I'm sorry your son died and is watching you, but can we like... get over ourselves now?
Okay, this next one is really tough for me. This Novela, Paraiso, (I'm sorry I'm missing the accents), was one of the worst things I saw on Brazilian TV. And that is a REALLY impressive thing... I mean, the opening scene is about horses in love... which is cute, but misleading, because the show is mostly about middle aged people's romantic difficulties... But on the other hand, I LOVE this song by Vitor e Leo! So normally, I'd just watch the opening and then turn the TV off!
And finally, (though not the last of the Novelas, but a long run!), my personal favorite song: the theme from Caras e Bocas (Faces and Mouths). This Novela was pretty silly (okay, downright stupid. I mean, it ended with monkeys falling in love....) it had it's dramatic moments (picture this: blind lady's fiance takes her out to a river, falls, hits his head, and she is now left to find a way home and save them both!) and I found it watchable when Everybody Hate's Chris (Todo Mundo Odeia Chris) wasn't on.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Shevchenko steals some reporter's wallet
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What I have been reading lately #49/Abandoned books and/or movies #10