Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The students in my class are evil

This is what appeared on the whiteboard in my room the morning after Milan's 2-0 loss to Inter.

They wrote this despite the fact that I told them that I would give them a night off from homework if Milan won. In addition, several of them taunted me to my face. Needless to say, there will be an extra long, extra difficult homework assignment coming very soon.


Unknown said...

Wait. This truly is EVIL. They wrote that, knowing what you felt, just to be mean. That's like that's like the defintion of a MEAN person. I can't believe them!!!! >:(

Andy said...

Yes-- they left school on Friday rooting for AC Milan to win (because of the no-homework promise), and then, when Milan lost, I guess they thought, "At least one good thing came out of this-- we can tease Mr. Russell!"

"Hockey ought to be sternly forbidden, as it is not only annoying but dangerous." Halifax Morning Sun, quoted in Michael McKinley's Hockey - A People's History