Hero of the Underground by Jason Peter with Tony O'Neill

Jason Peter was an All-American defensive lineman for the University of Nebraska during the 1990s. From there, he went on to play for the Carolina Panthers. His career, however, was cut short by injuries, and he quickly sank into the world of drug abuse. This book tells about his years spent abusing drugs and then finally recovering.

Interesting facts about this book:
- On the cover it says, "My journey down to heroin-- and back". It probably should read, "My journey from prescription painkillers to cocaine to crack cocaine to heroin (with a little crystal meth as well)-- and back". Maybe there wasn't room to put all that, or maybe the publishers just thought heroin sounded the scariest, but I think the jacket blurb misrepresents the book.
- Jason Peter has very strong views on different treatment options, mostly quite negative. He is especially annoyed at psychologists, group meetings, 12 step programs, religion, and treating addiction as a disease.
- Jason Peter also has very, very unpleasant things to say about former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz, specifically about how Lou Holtz treated Peter's younger brother.
- Reading about people's completely deranged drug binges and then futile efforts to quit can actually be sort of boring after awhile. I still liked the book, however.

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