Friday, August 14, 2009

What's Good On YouTube These Days?

I think I have fallen into a rut of geeky youtube videos, because I just found out that the people from my two favorite YouTube channels (Commuity Channel and Charlieissocoollike) just met each other at Comic-Con, a comic convention in San Diego (and they're from Australia and England, respectively, so that's not just a chance thing that they ended up there).

The Community Channel ("where cool comes to die") is run by an Australian girl named Natalie. Her videos are very funny and pretty random. She does her main video segment, then features pictures she took with fans (apparently she's pretty famous!) and funny comments from her last video. Most of her videos are completely relatable (like when you eat almost all the cereal and then leave the box because "Somebody might want the rest." Or when you take the free toiletries from hotel rooms.) Some of my favorite videos are: "Neglected Key Strokes," "Not Sorry Now," and "Free Stuff is Better."

And here is "Neglected Keystrokes!":

My other favorite channel is Charlieissocoollike. And Charlie is SO cool... like... Charlie is a member of the band Chameleon Circuit. Chameleon Circuit is a band from England, and all they sing is Doctor Who themed songs. (If you don't know the TV show Doctor Who, then don't even bother reading this). And on their new CD (their first CD) they have such songs as "Gallifreyan History 101", "Blink," "Friends of the Ood," and "Exterminate, Regenerate."

And here is "An Awful Lot of Running" by Chameleon Circuit:

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