Lately I have been hard at work in the backyard removing a chain link fence. In some places the bushes and trees had grown through the fence, which was kind of a pain - I either had to cut off the parts of the bushes that were growing through, or, if that didn't work, clip the fencing from around it. Another difficult part has been cutting the metal tubes that go along the top of the fence into pieces that are small enough for me to fit into the back of my pickup truck to take to the dump or scrap metal yard. I only have a hacksaw, so this process is a bit tedious. But by far the hardest part has been removing the fence posts, which are set in several feet of concrete. Because of where they are in the back yard, the only feasible method has been digging them up, by hand, by myself. So far I have four out of nine removed. In some places the ground itself seems as hard as concrete and, in others, it doesn't. For a very different perspective on one family's battle against an old fence, read the link below. They had real tools and machines to help them out.
1 comment:
Andy, you da Man!
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